Westwood Community Chest (WCC) is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity dedicated to helping Westwood residents in need through temporary financial assistance. The organization is run by a volunteer board and works with several town organizations to ensure that our community members get the help they need. WCC receives funds from private donors, businesses and town organizations and distributes them to help families in need through a confidential application process.

  • Single parents in need of safe summer activities for their children through our “Campership” program.

  • Elderly people with tight budgets and rising utility bills.

  • Children who need school supplies or medical treatment.

  • Families who have experienced job loss or other financial crisis and are struggling to make ends meet.

WCC works closely with our liaisons from town organizations who help us identify families at risk and connect them with resources to address their critical needs. Throughout this assessment and our application process, all applicant information is kept private and strictly confidential.

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

~ Mandy Hale